Tuesday, January 15, 2013


This is how I imagine us.  Me and my girls strolling around hand in hand, exploring the city, wearing beautiful clothes and carefree smiles.  Someday.....

The reality might/definitely look a bit different.  

My current routine is running out of the house, forever 15 minutes late, in whatever I slept in with a baseball cap and boots.  Horrifying, right?  I totally agree.  

I swore I would not become one of those women that doesn't take the time to put themselves together and tours the town looking exhausted and disheveled.  Sadly, I am failing miserably at this.  While juggling two is new and sometimes difficult, I remain determined.  I am not giving up! 

I am on a path of self improvement this year.  A few weeks in and I am focused (even if it I don't appear to be).  I have just completed a 10 full body cleanse and detox.  I have eliminated the dairy from my diet (again).  I am almost two weeks into a new skin care routine that appears to be working.  I have been reading a ton and picking up my camera much more.  

So, in other areas I celebrate my success.

'What seems the most important is usually not; what is most doable is the place to begin.  If you do enough that is the doable, you will get to the important, and your motivation will be fueled by your success.' 
- Kim John Payne, Simplicity Parenting

image:  Une Sardine a Rio, Via Paul & Paula


Tine said...

Oh keep your head up, I'm pretty sure there will be a time to relax soon. And I can't wait for the first picture of you three beauties ;)

Anonymous said...

Somehow you still manage to make the hat and boots look really cute!! Amy

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