Outside or Underneath

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bob bought a hundred-dollar suit
But couldn't afford any underwear.
Says he, "If your outside looks real good
No one will know what's under there."

Jack bought some hundred-dollar shorts
But wore a suit with rips and tears.
Says he, "It won't matter what people see
As long as I know what's under there."

Tom bought a flute and a box of crayons,
Some bread and cheese and a golden pear.
And as for his suit or his underwear
He doesn't think about them much......or care.

Shel Silverstein

Simple living.

Freedom from the constant want and need for more.

Consuming mindfully. Living intentionally.

The tragedy of the Tsunami in Japan is heartbreaking! It is a reminder of just how fast everything can be taken away from you.

Its got me thinking.....about life, our life, our family......

Today, I'm thankful for the happiness that is in my home.

What are you thankful for?

photo: LeLove.blogspot.com


Beth said...

Thank you for this lovely thought and reminding us what is most important and precious. I am thankful for wonderful friends like you.

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