The boxes have come, so I have all the fun stuff for the kids. Sadly my pinatas were slightly, or drastically, smaller then I had hoped. Luckily they are still adorable! I am concerned that Cuyler seems to be highly entertained by the thought of hanging them from a tree and going through the motions, just so he can laugh about it??
I'm thrilled with the oilcloth that came in for the tables and already painted my jars. It was super easy to do and I'm thinking I might fill them with Magnolia Leaves and Honeysuckle from the yard. They will be the cheapest flower arrangements I have ever had! Plus, the fabric has enough color that I think flowers would be too much.
Tuesday I went to Ikea and grabbed a few yards of fabric to recover the chair cushions on the screen porch. They turned out pretty good and the print goes great with all the other Ikea funky florals I used on the wicker and pillows. They have bright, durable, and affordable fabrics, perfect for outdoor furniture!
So, I'm baking a few dozen Mexican Wedding Cookies tonight and finishing up the paper flowers. Tomorrow will be lots of cooking and cleaning, sigh, but totally worth it! After all of the devastation in the last few days in this part of the country, it will be extra special to be with great friends!!!
I'm saving a jar of hot sauce to give away next week, so stay tuned....
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