It has almost been a month since school let out and summer began. It is insane how fast time goes by! Our days have been full of firsts. First time in the ocean, first sand castle, first ice cream cone, first concert....we are off to a good start.
We headed to the beach with family mid May. It was Carson's first time to be at the ocean in the summer and she LOVED IT! More then the ocean she loved her cousin Scout! I think that it is safe to say Scout is her idol. These two parted only to sleep. until the moment we left. When Carson was forced to say goodbye, she stuck out her bottom lip and choked back tears. It was heartbreaking!
I think we might have brought the heat back to Atlanta with us? After living in bathing suits for a week and swimming multiple times a day, we felt it was necessary to open up a pool of our own. It deflated almost immediately and that got old fast, so we joined our super fun, kind of retro neighborhood pool. It is literally 2 minutes from the house and we have been back every day since we joined.
Memorial Day weekend was a big event.....Carson's very first concert. It was TRULY amazing! While we were frightened at first about how she would handle it, the night was magical! Sitting under the stars Carson waited patiently for Mr. James Taylor to play Sweet Baby James. Even though I'm certain plenty of people thought that we were crazy to bring a 2+ year old to a show, everyone around us was all smiles as she sang along to ' her ' song.
So, aside from my computer and camera problems, Summer has been pretty great so far! What about you?
PS. Sorry no pictures from the wedding! I'm still trying to locate the few that were taken. I am actually not a huge fan of taking lots of photos at a wedding, it feels kind of strange to me. Anyway, the event took place in this incredible old cotton mill, the bride looked gorgeous in a glamorous vintage style dress, and the music was out of control! I will avoid being totally lame and giving a laundry list of known people that were there....... but, I will say that the highlights of my evening included catching a ride from the hotel with the talented Mr. Jason Lee and his ridiculously gorgeous wife, hearing the lovely Norah Jones, among other talented musicians perform, and best of all, dancing with the groom, one of my closest and dearest friends!
PPS. I got plenty of compliments on my dress, which ended up being perfect for the event! It was so perfect, in fact, that there is a possibility that after a few too many glasses of wine I even found it comfortable enough to sleep in, yikes!
Awww such beautiful pictures! You're shining! Haha Carson reading the Vogue... so cuuute! Made me smil...
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